iphone s case 3d

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iphone s case 3d

The update was promised in the week commencing 19 March, but seven days of checking for updates in Samsung's Kies software has proved fruitless. CNET readers are disgruntled by the deafening silence from Samsung, but in the absence of official word it seems some Samsung employees are warning the update won't arrive for at least another week, if not a month. One commenter told us "I visited a Samsung service centre today and asked when ICS would be rolled out to SIM-free variants, and the customer service rep stated that it's still in testing and they only have a beta version to hand; ICS will be made available in April."If you haven't got a calendar handy, April starts on Sunday. But it could be even worse than that, as another CNET reader is told we could be waiting until 24 April -- more than a month after the original promised update date.

The disgruntled S2 owner called Samsung, and advises other owners, "Don't hold your breath, They told me everyone would be updated by the 24th April, Naturally, my response was that here in the UK a week consists of seven days and that they should not use the term 'week iphone s case 3d commencing', I for one will no longer be purchasing Samsung products or Android-based phones, They're both a pile of pants!"We've contacted Samsung for confirmation of the April date, and when we hear more we'll let you know, Samsung's current official response to complaints is to say "I am sorry that you feel the release of the Android platform 4.0 has not been quick enough, All we can advise is that it has been released and when available for your handset you will be prompted for the update when you connect to Kies over the coming weeks."Notice that it's "sorry that you feel", not "sorry we've missed the date we promised and haven't said anything about it", Also note that it's "coming weeks", not "coming days"..

Adding to the frustration for owners of a SIM-free S2, phone network 3 has managed to get ICS on the S2 before the SIM-free version. If you're desperate for Ice Cream Sandwich, here's how to install Ice Cream Sandwich on your Samsung Galaxy S2. Hit play on our video to see what all the fuss is about. Have you been told when you can expect your update? Are you desperate for Ice Cream Sandwich? Do you feel strongly enough to ditch Samsung? Tell me your thoughts in the comments or on our Facebook page.

The poster, sent into Eurodroid, portrays some tempting theatrical curtains with the Samsung logo concealed behind, and the promise of a big reveal on 30 March, which is in just four days' time, What are the chances it's the Samsung Galaxy S3? Well, the iphone s case 3d S3 is certainly the biggest Samsung gadget on the horizon, and Phones 4u was the first independent UK retailer of the Galaxy Nexus when it launched last year, On the other hand, that would be a staggeringly speedy launch on Samsung's behalf, We know the S3 will be unveiled in the first half of this year, because the company's confirmed that much already, But as we've had no hint of any launch event, I'd be very surprised if Samsung could get a brand new mobile into high-street shops by Friday..

It's possible then that this poster is teasing the launch event for the Galaxy S3, rather than the phone going on sale. There might not be much incentive for a high street shop to publicise the mere announcement of a new gadget, however. One Eurodroid commenter observed that this launch could be for the Samsung Galaxy Beam, the quirky smart phone with a projector built in. The Beam is due out in the UK at some point after April, so perhaps this launch is in honour of that, or another Samsung gadget due to appear soon like the Galaxy Pocket or the Galaxy Note 10.1.

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